Custom-tailored coaching
We coach marketing and communications professionals, executives and experts in developing both communication skills and specialised skills in marketing communications.
Custom-tailored coaching courses are always planned together with the client to ensure that the coaching content supports the company strategy and building a uniform brand experience. We always determine the objectives, beginning level and specific needs of participants. We always focus on fostering and maintaining motivation in expert coaching.
Coaching in digital marketing and communications
We offer coaching in the strategic planning of digital marketing, systematic content production, measuring online communications, employer image development and strategic planning of paid advertising. We delve into marketing changes, the role of content in buying processes and the automation of marketing.
Coaching in search engine optimisation and Google Ads
We offer coaching in how to use Google Analytics in developing both online services and content. We help in gaining online exposure through Google Ads.
Social media coaching
We offer coaching in using Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, X (formerly known as Twitter) and new social channels in marketing and communications. We start with the basics and move up to the advanced development of channel-specific expertise. We also offer custom-tailored coaching courses on the planning and buying of paid social media advertising
Keynote speech
We inspire your organisation or event audience to embrace changes to marketing communications and digital possibilities. Our experienced speakers tailor the content of their speech to meet the needs of your event.
Building an open culture of communication, employee advocacy and expert coaching
Today’s fragmented media environment both makes new ways of encountering customers possible and challenges personnel to serve as the face of their organisation to the outside world. The goal of coaching is to inspire and activate executives and experts to use social media in support of their own work and their advisory capacity.
In coaching, participants are motivated, given functional examples, and taught how to use channels and intervention logic through practical exercises.
We will be happy to help you arrange the coaching that suits your needs or tailor it to suit your organization

Minna Valtari
+358 40 576 3206